Showing 51 - 75 of 107 Results
Iacobi Bruckeri Regiae Scient Societatis, Quae Berolini Floret, Membri Historia Critica Phil... by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781175677952 List Price: $64.75
Iacobi Brvokeri : Pars I-ii. A Tempore Resvscitatarvm in Occidente Literarvm Ad Nostra Tempora by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781175889591 List Price: $56.75
Historia critica philosophiae; A Tempore Resuscitatarum In Occidente Literarum Ad Nostra Tem... by Johann Jakob Brucker ISBN: 9781236884138 List Price: $15.10
History of Philosophy from the Earliest Periods: Drawn Up from Brucher's Historia Critica Ph... by William Enfield, Johann Jak... ISBN: 9781289656997 List Price: $48.75
The History of Philosophy: From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century, ... by Johann Jakob Brucker ISBN: 9781357065973 List Price: $29.95
de Comparatione Philosophiae Gentilis Cum Scriptura Sacra Et Religionis Christianae Dogmatib... by Brucker, Johann Jakob, Joha... ISBN: 9781354671207 List Price: $19.95
Miscellanea Historiae Philosophicae Literariae Criticae by Brucker, Johann Jakob, Joha... ISBN: 9781342927378 List Price: $31.95
Leben Der Gemahlinnen Der Ersten Zwölff Römischen Kayser, Sonderlich Aus Dem Geschlecht Caes... by Jacques Roergas De Serviez,... ISBN: 9781342993823 List Price: $26.95
Historia Critica Philosophiae : A Tempore Resuscitatarum in Occidente Literarum Ad Nostra Te... by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781294889724 List Price: $56.75
History of Philosophy, from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century : Dra... by Enfield, William, Johann Ja... ISBN: 9781295673759 List Price: $45.75
History of Philosophy : From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century by Enfield, William, Johann Ja... ISBN: 9781245766739 List Price: $43.75
Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae ...... (Latin Edition) by Johann Jakob Brucker ISBN: 9781272399474 List Price: $61.75
Leben Der Gemahlinnen Der Ersten Zwölff Römischen Kayser, Sonderlich Aus Dem Geschlecht Caes... by Jacques Roergas De Serviez,... ISBN: 9781342802712 List Price: $28.95
Leben Der Gemahlinnen Der Ersten Zwölff Römischen Kayser, Sonderlich Aus Dem Geschlecht Caes... by Jacques Roergas De Serviez,... ISBN: 9781342968197 List Price: $26.95
Die Seelige Bekanntniß Jesu Christi: Eine Predigt by Brucker, Johann Jakob, Joha... ISBN: 9781342543950 List Price: $19.95
Historia Critica Philosophiae A Mundi Incunabulis Ad Nostram Usque Aetatem Deducta, Volume 4... by Johann Jakob Brucker ISBN: 9781271659043 List Price: $58.75
Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae Usui Academicae Iuventutis Adornatae by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781173654474 List Price: $63.75
Iacobi Brvckeri Historia Critica Philosophiae a Mvndi Incvnabvlis Ad Nostram Vsqve Aetatem D... by Brucker, Johann Jakob ISBN: 9781173709334 List Price: $63.75
Die Heil Schrift, Nebst Einer Vollstaendigen Erklaerung Derselben Aus Den Anmerkungen Englae... by Teller, Romanus, Johann Aug... ISBN: 9781173828479 List Price: $64.75
De Comparatione Philosophiae Gentilis Cum Scriptura Sacra et Religionis Christianae Dogmatib... by Brucker, Johann Jakob, Joha... ISBN: 9781176110311 List Price: $14.75
Dissertatio Epistolica, Qua De Meritis In Rem Literariam, Praecipue Graecam, Viri Celeberrim... by Johann Jakob Brucker ISBN: 9781278245287 List Price: $15.75
Die Heil Schrift, Nebst Einer Vollstaendigen Erklaerung Derselben Aus Den Anmerkungen Englae... by Teller, Romanus, Johann Aug... ISBN: 9781175187758 List Price: $59.75
De Vita et Scriptis Celeberrimi Quondam Viri Eliae Ehingeri Commentatio by Brucker, Johann Jakob, Ehin... ISBN: 9781178499636 List Price: $25.75
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